Gavin Gets Lucky with Connor

''This story is a romantic fan-fiction of two awesome guys. It is not intended to be hurtful in any way, shape, or form. With that out of the way, lets move on to the story, shall we?''
''Also this is my good-bye gift to Connor.''


Gavin was a 69 year old black shemale prostitue. His on-and-off-again-boyfriend, Garrett, was very unhappy with him. He told Gavin that his favorite game, Cock Clicker, was too time consuming. It was true, Gavin had been Clicking on a lot more Cocks than he usualy did, but he just loved the storyline so much. 


Connor was a rogue. He could'nt be held to just one man. He commonly went to strip clubs where he would meet the most gorgeous of men, only to take them home to find they were women. Then he would beat the living shit out of them.

Gavin meets Connor

One day while at the strip club, off duty, Gavin sat, high as fuck, at the bar. Connor was throwing cash at the strippers, sitting a few stools away from Gavin. He happened to glance over to his right at the poor soul. 
"Hard break up?" Connor asked causally.
"Hard make-up." Gavin replied goatishly.
"Mhh. Wanna come to my place for a hawt lovemaking session?" Connor asked with a grin.
"Would I ever!" Gavin responded happily.


Except for Garrett. He got the shit beaten out of him.